Heli-Coil® Tanged Screw Thread Inserts

There are two styles of Heli-Coil® tanged screw thread inserts. The standard or “Free-Running” tanged insert provides a smooth free-running thread, while the “Screw-Locking” tanged insert provides self-locking torque on the male member by a series of “chords” on one or more of the insert coils.
Free-Running tanged screw thread inserts are greater in diameter than the tapped hole into which they are installed. In the assembly operation, the torque applied to the tang reduces the diameter of the leading coil and permits it to enter the tapped thread. When the torque or rotation is stopped, the coils expand with a spring-like action, anchoring the insert permanently in place against the tapped hole.
Screw-Locking tanged screw thread inserts provide an exclusive, resilient internal locking thread that grips the bolt and prevents it from loosening under vibration or impact. Screw-lock inserts permit repeated assembly and disassembly yet will not relax their grip on the screw even in tough metals such as cast iron, alloy steel, titanium, etc.
All tanged screw thread inserts offer savings in space, weight, and money through the elimination of lock wiring, lock nuts, lock washers, chemical compounds, plastic pellets/patches, and other locking mechanisms.
These inserts from Stanley Engineered Fastening are the original coiled insert and have an extensive background of tension, torque, shear, vibration, and fatigue tests conducted by leading companies as well as the U.S. Military.
Fast Facts:
- Require no staking, locking, swaging, keying, or interference fit.
- Automatically adjusts to any expansion or contraction of the parent material.
- Anchor permanently in place against the tapped hole.
- Positively secures threaded members against vibration or shock loosening.
- Positive self-locking torque, complying with NSAM8846.
- Available in inch and metric series.
- Successful applications in aviation, electronics, industrial, automotive, and military.
NASM124651 thru NASM124850 Insert, corrosion resistant Helical Coil Fine Thread (Inch Series)
NASM21209 Insert, Screw Thread, Self Locking (Inch Series)
NASM33537 Insert, Standard Dimensions, Assembly (Inch Series)
NASM8846 Insert, Screw Thread, Helical Coil (Inch Series)
MA1565 Insert, Screw Thread, Helical Coil (Metric Series)
MA1567 Insert, Screw Thread, Helical Coil, Standard Dimensions, Assembly (Metric Series)
MA3279, 3280, 3281 Insert, Screw Thread, Helical Coil, Free Running (Metric Series)
MA3329, 3330, 3331 Insert, Screw Thread, Helical Coil, Screw Locking (Metric Series)
AS 59158 Tools for inserting and extracting Helical Coil Inserts.
NAS1130 Insert, corrosion resistant Helical Coil Fine Thread (Inch Series)
NASM124651 thru NASM124850 Insert, corrosion resistant Helical Coil Fine Thread (Inch Series)