Nuclear Energy Solutions
Because of the growing global need for power production and the renewal of the construction of nuclear power plants, STANLEY® Engineered Fastening has many options that would be of assistance to those working in the power plant construction industry. In addition to studs, accessories, and stud welding equipment, we provide field service including training of stud welding operators and regular site calls, in addition to assistance in stud welding design and applications for power plant construction, nuclear or otherwise.
Power Plant Construction
There have been positive changes and testing contributing important knowledge which resulted in arriving at code specifications for the use and embedment properties of welded studs. High-level quality assurance requirements for nuclear plants have been implemented in our NUC-1 Nuclear Program Plan. We have had a long-existing and approved quality assurance program including nuclear quality requirements, including compliance with such standards as 10CFR50, 10CFR21, ASME NQA-1, ASME Section III Division 2, and the ASME 3800 series.
Nelson® Studs & Stud Welding EquipmentConnect with our Nuclear Energy Industry Expert
Let our Nuclear Energy experts provide you recommendations for your project and applications