
Expansion inserts are two-piece units consisting of a threaded insert and a captivated spreader plate. When the spreader plate is depressed, the knurled portion of the insert expands and anchors the insert in the hole. Dodge® offers two installation tool models for expansion inserts. Both work on all three types of Dodge® expansion inserts:

Semi-Automatic Expansion Model

May be used to install Dodge® standard, flange, and wedge Inserts. The tool consists of a spring-loaded punch and sleeve. Must be chucked in an arbor press or foot press. Not designed to be driven by a hammer.

Hand Tool Expansion Model

May be used to install Dodge® standard, flange, and wedge Inserts. May be used with a hammer or chucked in an arbor press or foot press.

Fast Facts:

  • Can install Dodge® standard, flange, and wedge inserts.
  • Available in hand tool and semi-automatic models.

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