Dodge® Ultrasert® IV フランジ付き
Dodge® Ultrasert® IV は、熱可塑性プラスチックまたは構造発泡材に超音波または熱によって取り付けるように設計されている平行軸面の真鍮インサートです。
対角線の刻み目は、優れたトルク耐性と引張強度のアンダーカットをもたらします。 まっすぐな穴に取り付けるように設計されています。 インサートの端にある引き込みガイド ピンにより、取り付け前にインサートを正確に配置できます。
Fast Facts:
- Provides high tensile and rotational strength
- Two lengths to choose from, allowing design flexibility
- Lead-in pilot positions insert for installation
- Parallel sides for installation into straight holes
- Installed ultrasonically or with heat
- Provides superior joint strength
- Vibration-proof properties
- Allows for high serviceability
Lead-Free Range Now Available!
We have recently launched a new NEW Lead-Free product offering from Dodge® specifically designed for a variety of industries, including automotive, electronics, and medical. These industries demand the highest standards of quality and safety, and Dodge® delivers just that. With the elimination of lead and other restricted materials, you can trust that our Ultrasert® threaded inserts and compression limiters will meet your specifications and provide the performance you need.
- Can be installed using existing installation tools and machinery
- Available in same geometries of our current extensive portfolio of brass and steel
- Can be pressed in, heat staked, or installed using ultrasonics
- Drop-in replacement for existing leaded brass and steel inserts
- Finish requirements to meet your specifications
- RoHS compliant, ensuring their safety and environmental friendliness
- Custom Threaded Inserts and Compression Limiters can be designed for your unique applications